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ComUnidade WirelessBrasil

Junho 2009               Índice Geral do BLOCO

O conteúdo do BLOCO tem forte vinculação com os debates nos Grupos de Discussão  Celld-group e WirelessBR. Participe!


• Crimes Digitais (73) - Mais um "PL aloprado"... - Comentários de Smolka e Nacinovic

----- Original Message -----
From: J. R. Smolka
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 10:52 AM
Subject: Re: []Crimes Digitais (72) - Mais um "PL aloprado": Duas notícias e a íntegra do "PL Bispo Gê" + "Partido Pirata" no Parlamento Europeu!

Alô Hélio e demais colegas.

Entendo iniciativas dete tipo apenas como tentativas desesperadas (embora tenham o poder de causar o efeito pretendido, pelo menos por algum tempo) para dar sobrevida a um modelo de negócio entre artistas, produtores, gravadoras e distribuidoras de aúdio/vídeo que, essencialmente, a Internet tornou obsoleto.

O interessante, no entanto, é ver que, enquanto por aqui estão tentando forçar o DRM pela via legal, já existem iniciativas de liberação do DRM, como foi noticiado aqui (ver transcrição adiante).

[ ]'s
J. R. Smolka


Fonte:Rethink Wireless
[09/06/09] European cellcos remove DRM from music stores by Caroline Gabriel

In their enthusiasm for mobile music revenues, European carriers are increasingly doing away with digital rights management (DRM) restrictions. The latest is T-Mobile in Germany and Austria, which has lifted DRM copy protection on all tracks in its Mobile Jukebox store.

The cellco says it has come to agreement with three of the top four record companies and all key independent labels, resulting in about 2m DRM-free tracks for dual download to PC and phone. Customers can then play these tracks on any digital device including MP3 players. They can also repurchase tracks that were bought before June 4, which remain DRM protected (under the 'My Music' deal, which allows users to keep their tracks if they change phones at no additional charge).

Vodafone has made a similar move, starting in the UK, and designated last Friday as 'Free Music Friday' as it removed DRM from its UK store. On that day, it gave away eight free tracks (from a selected list) to anyone coming to Vodafone Music Store, which normally charges 49p per item.

Music Store has about 350,000 tracks from EMI, Sony, Universal and a number of independent labels. As with T-Mobile, previously purchased copy protected tracks can be re-downloaded for free.

Less good news on the music front for Nokia, whose UK relaunch of the integrated Comes With Music service is said to be flailing again. Although the unlimited download, subscription offering has performed well in other initial markets like Singapore and Australia, it has repeatedly been accused of misjudging the proposition that would appeal to UK consumers. The two UK outlets, Orange and retailer Phones4U, are reporting low sales of CWM since the relaunch on May 30, says Mobile Today - despite high interest in the handset on which the music service comes, the XpressMusic 5800. Orange said this was just a test phase and has increased sales commission to boost numbers. Critics say the offering has not been well communicated, and that it needs to come with an unlimited text option and larger data allowances.


----- Original Message -----
From: .por.comBH
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 11:30 AM
Subject: [] Re: [Celld-group] Crimes Digitais (72) - Mais um "PL aloprado": Duas notícias e a íntegra do "PL Bispo Gê" + "Partido Pirata" no Parlamento Europeu!

Qualquer dia desses, um parlamentar "mais escrarecido" vai apresentar o projeto de lei instituindo o "porte de computador", semelhante ao porte de arma. Quem comprar um desktop ou notebook vai ter que tirar licença no DPF, obrigatoriamente. O porte de computador será necessário para transportar a máquina ou notebook em mudanças, para o trabalho, etc. Para comprar qualquer tipo de mídia( CDS, Diskettes), será necessária a apresentação de porte.
Aí, um outro "bem mais escrarecido" vai propor modificações no projeto, substituindo o porte por licença e carteira de habilitação. E, pelo andar da carruagem, vamos assistir a um monte de desencontros e propostas absurdas.
Luiz Sergio Lindenberg Nacinovic

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