José Ribamar Smolka Ramos
Artigos e Mensagens

ComUnidade WirelessBrasil

Abril 2009               Índice Geral


• Telco 2.0 Manifesto

----- Original Message -----
From: J. R. Smolka
Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:12 PM
Subject: [] Telco 2.0 Manifesto


Continuando com o assunto da evolução do modelo de negócios para operadores de telecom, quero repartir com vcs o manifesto Telco 2.0, uma iniciativa de pesquisa, brainstorming e consultoria feito pela STL partners.
Veja o website aqui:

E o blog aqui:

BTW... Se alguém aí tiver umas £1.700 sobrando, quiser comprar os dois relatórios deles sobre Future Broadband Business Models e Two-Sided Telecoms Business Model, e depois me deixar dar uma lida (de graça, em agradecimento pela dica) eu vou gostar muito :o)

Boa leitura...

[ ]'s
J. R. Smolka


Telco 2.0 Manifesto


The current telecoms business model is approaching its 'end of life'. The new edition of the Telco 2.0™ Manifesto below provides an outline for a vibrant new business model at the heart of the digital economy.

This second edition reflects the changes in our thinking over the last two years since we launched the Telco 2.0™ Initiative. It is based on output from four major Telco 2.0™ 'executive brainstorm' events, multiple consulting engagements around the world, and our formal research programmes. We'd like to thank the many people who have wittingly (or unwittingly) provided input to it.

The Manifesto is relevant to:

We believe it provides new insights into future business models for the 'information economy' at large. The Manifesto seeks to answer eight critical questions:

  1. What are the fundamental properties of today's telecoms business model?
  2. Why do these create challenges for future growth?
  3. Why are current efforts to find a new business model too limited in scope?
  4. What are the real issues that need to be addressed?
  5. What are the key principles behind the new business model?
  6. What are the core products and services of a Telco 2.0™ business model?
  7. How big is the size of the opportunity?
  8. What does the journey to this new business model look like?

(For ongoing insight and analysis, see our Telco 2.0™ blog or sign up for our free email newsletter. Please do contact us with comments, ideas and inquiries here:

Executive Summary.....
Ler mais em  Telco 2.0 Manifesto

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